...adorable illustrations...simple backgrounds with just enough detail to...keep the focus on the friends...who clearly care about one another...through thick and thin.
- Kirkus
- Kirkus
This charming book provides readers with example after example of what makes someone a good friend...Thiesing's art has strong child appeal and reinforces the happiness friendship brings.
One very nice element is the diversity of the animal families; while some resemble traditional, nuclear families, most of the families are diverse in species, age, size, and gender, implying that families need not be biologically-related or “traditional” to be considered families.
- The Baby Bookworm

Few beginning readers are as good as this one to promote
reading with expression. This book is absolutely
Winner of the Michigan Great Lakes Great Books State Award
Winner of the Delaware Diamonds State Award
Booklist "Top 10 Mysteries for Youth"
A Miami Herald Best Book of the Year
There is great charm in the photographic-style watercolor illustrations...They capture perfectly the differences these 30 years have made...and other enduring witnesses to the overwhelming love parents feel for their children.
- The New York Times (the Gray Lady, baby!)
Parents Magazine "Parents Pick"
Parents Magazine Feature Spread
National Parenting Seal of Approval

Rock on! - Kirkus Star Review
NJLA Garden State Book Award Nominee

NJLA Garden State Book Award Nominee

Parents Magazine "Parents Pick"
plus a 6 page spread

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award
A Bank Street Book of the Year
A Bank Street
Book of the Year
A Junior Library Guild